Geoffrey Haydon Manning began researching his family history during the mid-1980s. His endeavour soon blossomed into an enduring curiosity about the orgin of South Australian place names. Available for free his the final edition titled, ‘Place Names of Our Land’ is 1,400 pages and was given to the State Library – see the link below.
Geoffrey Manning wrote on a wide range of historical topics.
This website showcases his main works. Readers are welcome to contact his son, Haydon Manning if they have any queries about his research or seek information about his publications.
Channel 7 Interview
Please note many of the files are large and take a little while to arrive…
Manning’s Place Names of South Australia http://www.slsa.ha.sa.gov.au/digitalpubs/placenamesofsouthaustralia/
The Manning Index of South Australian History http://www.slsa.ha.sa.gov.au/manning/